SMI.KAZANOBR.RU Учитель года города Казани-2024

Конспект урока "Жизнь в городе и в деревне"

городская и сельская жизнь

Тема: «Жизнь в городе и деревне»
Класс: 9
УМК: Spotlight 9 Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж. и др.
Цели и задачи:
Образовательные: введение и отработка ЛЕ по теме
Развивающие: развитие психических процессов (память, мышление), развитие навыка аудирования с выборочным пониманием информации, говорения (монологическое и диалогическое высказывание), развитие навыков сотрудничества
Воспитательные: воспитание любви к родине, бережного отношения к природе

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент

T: Good morning. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.
What date is it today? Who is absent today?

Look out of the window, please. What is the weather today? Do you like it?

P: No, I don’t. It’s cold, windy and cloudy. I feel sad on such days.

T: I hope our lesson will cheer you up.

2. Warm-up

T: Look out of the window once again, please. Can you describe what is outside?

P: I see the park, a lot of cars in the streets, blocks of houses.

T: What other attributes of the city can you name?

P: I think it’s a lot of people in the streets, public transport, awful traffic jams.

3. основная часть

T: So, today we are going to speak about living in towns/cities and villages/country. Let us discuss the following questions. Look at the slide. So, the 1st question.
What are the advantages of leaving in the town/city?
P: I suppose that the main advantage is that cities give a lot of opportunities to people. I mean career, better education.
P: I’d like to add that there is also a lot of entertainment. Places to go out are uncountable.

T: ok, thank you. Now, the second question.
Why is it difficult to live in the city?

P: I think because you are always under pressure. You feel a lot of stress every day. You have little time to have a rest.
P: What is more, it’s can be harmful to your health, because environment in the cities is father polluted.

T: Well, let’s speak on villages.
Do people in the village (in the country) have access to all opportunities of a big city?

P: No, they don’t. You can’t get a well-paid job there. There are always enough schools and no universities.
P: Also I think it’s boring in the country because you do the same things all the time. And there are little places to hang out.

T: thank you for your opinions. The next questions of our discussion.
Is it easy to live in the village?

P: I think it’s not. People in the country usually have a lot of duties. They have to work a lot to make their living.
P: But there are better conditions for your health. You can enjoy the nature, fresh air. There is little stress. You shouldn’t be in a rush.

T: I see your points. Well done. And let’s get to know what British people say about living in the city and the country. Before we watch the video, look at the task and copy it.
Description of the area Good/bad things about where they live Where they plan to live in the future
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4

Watch the video now. And be attentive.
Let’s check up the answers.

P: speaker 1 – this young man says he live in Leeds. There are a lot of places to go – cinemas, cafes. It’s really a city for students. He has a quick access to everything. But he is not going to stay in Leeds all his life. He wants to move to London.

P: speaker 2 – this man says that he lives in a small village. He really likes it. He can enjoy the nature, for example singing birds. But, in his opinion, the main disadvantage of living there is that he has to drive everywhere. He can’t imagine life somewhere else.

P3: speaker 3 – the young lady says that she lives in the outskirts of the city near the railway. She doesn’t like the noise of trains. She lives with her cat. And her opinion of the city is almost the same as that of the young man. But she doesn’t like city. It’s not her thing.

P: speaker 4 – she lives on the top of the hill where there are a lot of fields around. She likes living there, because it is stress-free and she can enjoy herself and the nature. She isn’t going to move anywhere.

T: well done. What opinion do you agree with?

P: I agree with the girl who spoke the last. I’d like to live in a quiet place where you can belong to yourself.

P: but I want to experience the life of a big city where people have a lot of opportunities and everything at your fingertips.

T: Let us remember the words that can be useful for describing you neighbourhood (ex. 1, p.32 - SB)

Local - relating to position in space: having a definite spatial form or location

P: Our local shop opens at 7 a.m.


P: I like quiet streets of my city.

Isolated - occurring alone

P: this house is isolated from the others.


P: this café is quite pretty. Let’s order a cup of tea there.


P: In small towns people know each other very well.

Wide - extending over a vast area

P: Wide streets can make the traffic easier.

Narrow - less than standard or usual width

P: I recollect narrow streets of Vienna.


P: We must follow certain rules to keep our city clean.


P: In autumn streets are usually rather dirty.


P: my neighbours were so noisy last night.


P: All streets of my neighbourhood are tree-lined.


P: The air in industrial districts if our city is harmful to our health.


P: Modern cinemas offer the audience 3D movies.


P: This park is so large that you can get lost there.


P: I hate buses because they are always crowded.


P: I have been to this shop. It is very expensive.


P: Big cities give access to different entertainment.


P: Busy shops annoy me a lot.


P: My flat is comfortable because of pastel colours of the walls.


P: I think modern buildings are ugly and they do not fit in the scenery.


P: This house seems attractive to me because it has a very beautiful garden.


P: Our city is old and has a lot of cultural traditions.


P: Our beautiful city makes me be proud.


P: Traditional blocks of flats provide 2roomed flats.

Spacious – vast, large

P: Modern houses provide spacious flats.

Now, it’s high time to listen to the description of a neighbourhood. Ex. 2, p. 32 – SB.
Answer the questions.

P: It has wide, clean streets and attractive, modern houses.
P: There’s a small supermarket, a post office, a bank and a chemist’s.

T: Now I want to present you prepositions of place and different places and kinds of shops. (ex. 3, p. 32 - SB). They can be useful for your description of your neighbourhood. Let’s have a look. Please, use them to translate sentences into English.

1) Когда я шел в парк, я встретил его не углу булочной.
2) Справа от аптеки располагается супермаркет, где всегда шумно и много людей.
3) Слева от банка – кафе, где удобные стулья и живая музыка помогут вам расслабиться.
4) Передо мной газетный киоск, где всегда есть газета «Вечерняя Казань».
5) За моей спиной бакалея, проходы (passways) которой очень узкие.
6) В мясной лавке работает мой знакомый, который не любит современные здания.
7) Рядом с рестораном стоит многоквартирный дом, квартиры в котором очень дорогие.
8) Наша школа располагается напротив остановки, что очень удобно.


1) When I was going to the park, I met him on the corner of the baker’s.
2) To the left of the chemist’s there is a supermarket, where it is always noisy and busy.
3) To the left of the bank there is a café, where comfortable chairs and live music help you to relax.
4) In front of me there is the newsagent’s, where they always sell the paper “Vechernyaya Kazan”.
5) Behind my back there is the grocer’s, passways of which are very narrow.
6) My acquainted works at the butcher’s, who doesn’t like modern buildings.
7) Next to the restaurant there is a block of flats, flats in which are very expensive.
8) Our school is opposite the bus stop, what is quite convenient.

T: Well done. Now, you are ready to describe your own neighbourhood. You have 2 minutes to get prepared.

P: My neighbourhood is big and crowded. I live in a modern flat on a noisy street. My block of flats is behind a large supermarket. Next to the supermarket is a large park. Opposite my flat is a newsagent’s and there is a bank next to that. On the corner is a busy restaurant. In front of my flat is a bus stop.

(the teacher asks some more pupils)

T: and of course, we can’t imagine our life without neighbours, who can make our living easier or cause troubles and misunderstanding. In the following ex. (Ex. 4, p.) you are given adjectives, which describe personal character. Divide them into positive and negative ones. Check your answers. Can you add more positive adjectives?

P: friendly, reliable, easy-going, outgoing, kind, polite, simpathatic,

T: Good of you. Now use them to describe your neighbours.

P: My neighbour across the street, Mr, is very caring. He brings us fresh fruit when we are ill. Mr, my neighbour on the corner of my street is easily annoyed and complains whenever we make any noise.
My neighbour across from my block of flats is very nosy and watches us from her window.

4. заключительная часть (обратная связь)

T: Today we spoke about places to live in. Once again, what are the reasons for living in the village?

P: Fresh air, beautiful nature, freedom, relaxing surrounding and stress-free atmosphere.

T: and what about living in the city?

P: People have access to everything – education, career, entertainment. But they have to be strong and stress-resistant to live in the city.

T: What do we talk about when we tell about our neighbourhood?

P: We describe our location, our flat, what is near our house, use different adjective for it, for example: noisy, industrial, clean, modern, spacious and so on.

T: What positive adjectives describe our neighbours?

P: Sociable, helpful, polite, friendly, easy-going.

T: And can you name negative ones?

P: Rude, arrogant, talkative, silly, nosy.

5. Задавание домашнего задания

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. It’s high time to put down your home task. It is to write about the ideal place for living for. You should include everything we spoke about today: if you would like to live in the city or in the village and why; you should describe how you imagine you neighbourhood and neighbours.

Your marks for today are…

Now, the lesson is over. Good-bye.

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