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конспект урока "Square-eyed generation"


A square-eyed generation (10 класс) – урок английского языка в рамках темы «Let’s have fun» по УМК «Английский в фокусе» (Spotlight) 10-й класс, под редакцией О.В. Афанасьевой

Тип урока: Урок - практикум

Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативных компетенций.

Задачи урока:
• развитие навыков монологической речи,
• поискового чтения,
• расширение лексического запаса,
• активизировать в речи лексический и грамматический запас,

• развитие навыка контекстуальной догадки,
• расширение кругозора,
• развитие логического мышления,
• развитие памяти, сообразительности
• развитие навыка коллективной работы

развитие вежливости, развитие интереса к предмету, уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка и других стран, уважения к мнению одноклассников.

интерактивная доска, компьютер, проектор, учебник (Spotlight, Английский в фокусе, учебник для 10-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений), раздаточный материал, тетради.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.
Good afternoon. Let’s start the lesson. Who is on duty today? What day is it today? Who is absent?

2. Warm-up.
T: Please, open your books at p. 122. Look at the picture and read the title of the text. What do you think we are going to speak about today?
P: We are going to speak about watching television and may be other ways of spending free time.

T: How much television do you watch a day?
T: What are your favourite programmes?
T: Are there programmes you dislike?

3. Основная часть.
T: Look at slides 2 - 10. You see a list of things you can watch on TV. Mark them as follows:
×× if you think there are too many of these on TV
√√ if you think there are about the right amount of these on TV
√ if you think there should be more of these
× if we don’t have such programmes in our country

a) advertisements (that use attractive people to sell products like cars or perfumes)
b) government advertising campaigns (e.g. against things like drink-driving)
c) programmes with live sport coverage (e.g. football or hockey matches)
d) thrillers
e) children’s programmes
f) interviews with politicians
g) chat shows
h) game shows
i) soap operas
P: I think there are too many of advertisements, soap operas, thrillers and chat shows on TV. Then there are about the right amount of interviews with politicians, game shows and programmes with live sport coverage. And finally, there are not enough children’s programmes and government advertising campaigns.

T: Do you think teenagers in others countries watch much of TV?
P1: I think they watch TV as much as all people do.
P2: I suppose teenagers in other countries don’t spend much time on watching TV as they are busy with different interesting activities.
P3: I believe they watch TV a lot because it’s the way to be in the picture.

T: What programmes can they watch from the list given?
P1: I think they watch chat shows and game shows.
P2: May be films.

4. Чтение
T: Let’s check our guesses. Read the text quickly. Now, find the answers and prove them using the words from the text. (slide 11)
P1: Sanjit says they aren’t mad about something because he says he can take it or live it.
P2: Suzy uses a certain form of entertainment as a way to relax because she says that the thing she likes the most is go dancing.
P3: It’s Yoko who enjoys something that other young people enjoy too. It’s to go out to ‘karaoke’ with his friends.
P4: Maria mentions actors becoming famous for something else. ‘Members of the cast from these operas even record albums and become music stars’
P5: Anya can’t stop doing something. She is totally addicted to video games and going to malls.

5. Практика речи (говорение)
T: As you were reading the text you saw some words and phrases in bold which were new for you. Try to understand them from context and explain (slide 12)
Make sentences of your own to memorize them better.
P1: anti-social – not interested in meeting other people or not enjoying friendly relationships with them. (He became anti-social after his mother’s illness.)
P2: couch potato – someone who spends a lot of time sitting at home watching TV (My dad is such a couch potato; he always watches football.)
P3: unfair – unjust (It’s unfair to suggest that the school was responsible for this accident.)
P4: unwind – to relax (I like going to the cinema to unwind.)
P5: can’t beat – there is nothing better (You just can’t beat the feeling of lying on the beach.)
P6: blaring – making a loud noise (Let’s find another café, the music is blaring here.)
P7: catchy – easy to remember (This tune is so catchy, I can’t stop humming it.)
P8: sing alone – sing a song who is already singing (If you know the words, sing along.)
P9: It’s such a good fun – an enjoyable time, great fun (I love the new comedy; it’s such a good fun.)
P10: I can take it or live it – it doesn’t matter to me if I do it or not (Choose any film you want; I can take it or live it.)
P11: predictable – happening in the way you would expect (Most of the films we’ve reviewed this summer have had one thing in common – predictable plots.)
P12: I have to admit – I must confess (I have to admit that you can be right.)
P13: addict – someone who likes a particularly activity very much and spends as much time as they can doing it (She is clothes addict; she buys something new every week.)
P14: incredible – surprising or difficult to believe (They all have incredible stories to tell.)
P15: mall – a large building with a lot of shops, restaurants, and sometimes a cinema (I don’t like malls; they make me tired.)

T: What activities can be a substitution for TV for teenagers?
P1: playing computer games
P2: reading books
P3: going to the gym
P4: riding a bicycle
T: Let’s find out forms of entertainment you like or dislike the most in chain. You must use the following adjectives to give reasons. (slide 13)
P1: I enjoy going to the clubs. It’s so entertaining. And you? – P2: I like snowboarding. It’s so gripping. And you? – P3: I dislike reality shows. It’s so unnatural and boring. And you? – P4: I like watching comedies. It’s so a good laugh. And you? – P5: I just hate listening to interviews with politicians. It’s repetitive. What is more they never what they promise. And you? - …

6. Практика речи (письмо)
T: Now you are going to make a survey about TV and other popular entertainment forms in our school. You must make 10 Yes-No sentences as in the example at p.123. It’s collective work and to do this task easier divide into groups of three. Each group must prepare 2 questions.
Now, present your questions.
P1: Do you have a computer at home?
P2: Do you spend much time on it?
P3: Do you often play computer games?
P4: Would you rather go for a walk than watch TV?
P5: Do hang out with friends more 3 times a week?
P6: Do you find it interesting to go to the museums?
P7: Can you leave everything and go to the club?
P8: Would you go to the concert of classical music if you were invited?
P9: Do read a lot?
P10: Do you listen to the music more than 4 hours a day?

T: Well done. Now you are ready to carry out the survey with children of our school and make a report on it.

7. Подведение итогов / задавание домашнего задания (slide 14)
T: You worked hard and I hope you liked the lesson. It’s coming to the end and it’s time to put down your home task: survey, ex. 7 (p.123) – SB, Unit 7a (WB).
Your marks for the lesson are:
The lesson is over. You may be free, good-bye.

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