SMI.KAZANOBR.RU Учитель года города Казани-2024

Презентация ученика на английском языке. 4 класс.

Презентация ученика на английском языке. 4 класс.

Let me introduce myself. I’m ………. I’m in the fourth grade. I’m …..years old. I’m from school…….. My family is neither big nor small. There are 4 of us: mother, father, (brother) and me. We are very friendly family and spend a lot of time together.
In summer I like to travel with my parents about the country.
My mother is a doctor, my father is a worker. They are vey busy and work very hard. I help my parents about the house. I clean the room, water the flowers, do the washing up, lay the table and sometimes I go shopping.
I study well. My parents are proud of my marks. My favourite subjects are Music, English and Math. I like to sing and play the piano. I am rather sociable and very often take part in different concerts. Speaking about my character I can say that I am friendly, kind and honest. I can keep secrets. That’s why I have got a lot of friends. My best friend is …. She is my classmate. She is very smart and kind. I never quarrel with her. We often watch TV, video or listen to the music or read interesting books.
In my free time I like to watch Animal planet. It is a very interesting programme about protection nature. What shall we do to help our planet:
- First of all we must plant trees, flowers;
- We must take care of animals;
- We must not throw paper or other things into the rivers or lakes.

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions but I want to be an ecologist. So I must study hard.

- I promise to be very, very good.
- I promise to do the things I should.
- I promise to make my bed each day.
- I promise to put my things away.
- I promise not to throw my socks on the floor.
- I promise to put my socks in the drawer.
- I promise to do my homework right.
- I promise not to stay up late at night.
- I promise to listen to my mum and dad.
- I promise not to do anything bad.

Далее идет презентация фотографий. Ученик комментирует каждое фото.

Look at me. I am in the class. I am helping my friend to do homework.


Attention it’s me in the park. It’s rather cold. I am having fun. I am skiing. I like sport.


This is a photo of me. I am cleaning the classroom. I’m watering the flowers.


Look at our school garden! It’s beautiful. I like to take care of plants.
It’s very cold in winter. We must help birds and animals. I like to feed birds and make a house for them.